Friday, December 02, 2005


Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. Nothing can be done without hope or confidence. ---Helen Keller

It's saddening to note that a lot of people have lost all hope for the country. In a recent Pulse Asia survey, the number of Filipinos who feel that the country is a hopeless case has increased, along with the number of people who want to leave and migrate to other countries. Has our country sunk so low that more and more people are losing hope and are leaving for greener pastures? Is our country really a "hopeless case"?

I don't think so. The Philippines is one of the richest countries in the world. We have abundant natural resources; precious metals, minerals, and forests can be found throughout the archipelago. Food abounds in our seas and in our fields. Our people are adaptive and intelligent, providing a highly educated workforce that excels in whatever they do, here and abroad.

Our nation can be great again. We have the resources. We have the manpower. We only need the will to reach for it, the perseverance to work for it, and the leadership to guide us to it. We have to unite as a true Filipino nation and work together to raise our country from the ashes of poverty and corruption. We have to be optimistic about our future, and work for a better country for our children. We should never lose hope, for it is our hope for a better future that would drive us towards that future.